Mensa T-Shirt Event 2022

 Mensa Members Gather For T-Shirt Printing Event and Summer Fun

The Pretoria Old Boys Club was buzzing with creativity and excitement as Mensa members gathered for a social event where they got to print their own designs on t-shirts. This event showcased the unique and imaginative minds of the members. As they gathered around the printing station, they eagerly discussed their design ideas and shared tips and tricks with each other. Some designs were funny, some inspirational, and some just plain quirky, but they all showcased the diverse and imaginative minds of the group. The printing process was a collaborative effort, with members helping each other with each step of the process. From choosing the perfect font and color to placing the design just right on the shirt, the Mensans worked together to create unique and eye-catching t-shirts.

The event was not just about printing t-shirts, though. It was also a chance for Mensans to socialize and connect with each other. They exchanged stories and ideas, discussing everything from the latest scientific discoveries to the latest books they had read. The atmosphere was relaxed and friendly, with a sense of camaraderie and shared interests permeating the room. The Pretoria Old Boys Club provided the perfect setting for the event, with its spacious and well-lit room and comfortable seating. Food and drinks were available on order from the club's friendly and accommodating staff. After the t-shirts were designed and printed, the Mensans proudly showed off their creations to each other. The colorful and creative designs displayed a range of interests and personalities, highlighting the individuality of each member.

The event was so popular and so many people wanted to print t-shirts that some of the committee members who held back and let others print first, were unable to print their designs on the day of the event, so they planned a second printing event. A month or so later, some of the committee members gathered for a Mongolian Braai filled with laughter, creativity, and summertime joy at Marina Van Tonder’s home, who was the master mind behind this event. They fired up the grill to prepare the traditional Mongolian Braai and prepared to flex their creative muscles and enjoy the company of their like-minded peers.

While the adults were busy with their t-shirt designs, the children took advantage of the great Pretoria weather by jumping into the pool and splashing around. It was a perfect day for both children and adults alike to enjoy some summer fun in the sun. The Mongolian braai was a lot of fun, and each person cooked their selection to perfection, while discussing their t-shirt designs, each one more unique and creative than the last.

Both printing events were not only fun and relaxing for the members, but they also showcased the creativity of the Mensans and brought them closer together as a community. It's a reminder that even the brightest minds need a break from the demands of everyday life and can enjoy some fun in the sun with their friends and family. The memories of these special events, filled with laughter, creativity, and summer fun, will last a lifetime.


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