Bittersweet AGM 2018

Free food, wine, and a few Harry Potter puns are all you need to have a good time. This time-tested formula was proven again at the Mensa Pretoria Annual General Meeting 2018. After the refreshments were served, the 2017/2018 Committee members reported on their respective portfolios. Unfortunately, Beverley van der Merwe announced her decision to step down as Chairperson after 10 long years in the position. She will be dearly missed as chair. A new committee was elected when enough wine had been drunk and all were happy with the report for 2017/2018.

The new Mensa Pretoria committee members (2018/2019) are as follows:
Kolver Kruger was elected as the new chairperson for Mensa Pretoria. Bernard Grobler will fulfill the PR/Marketing role, Peter Smythe will continue as treasurer, Liesl Kok will be heading Events, Helen Pinkham will still do the blog, Simone Deyzel-O'Brien is the new secretary and membership person, Pieter van der Vyfer will organise the SIGs (as before), and last but not least, Pierre Naude will continue as testing officer. The new committee is pictured above.


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