Quiz nights with the Conquiztadores

Are you a general knowledge buff? Fancy yourself as the next winner of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Do you simply retain useless facts for some reason? Or do you enjoy a fun night out with great conversation? Well, either way, you should consider adding weekly quiz nights to your calendar!

Teams consist of 6(-ish)  people so if there's more than six, we can start another team! There are quizzes at Jock of the Bushveld pub every Thursday night at 19:00, hosted by Aux Technicals. Quiz Master Leon Botha will test your knowledge about topics ranging from astrophysics to zoology, so no matter what your field of knowledge, you will be an asset to the team.

Our very own quiz team, the "Conquiztadores", regularly participates in and does very well! Tonight, the team won the quiz night at Jocks! Congratulations team!

How about joining the new quiz league? Not from Pretoria? No problem. Anyone who wants to join is welcome.

So, what are you waiting for? Reserve your place on a team by sending an email to pta.sigs@mensa.org.za right now!


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