Mensa Ladies Lunch

 Mensa Ladies Lunch (with some men in attendance)

In November 2022, Mensa hosted an inspiring and engaging Ladies Lunch Event for Mensa members at The Blue Crane, located in the Austin Robert's Bird Park. The topic of discussion for the day was Bowen's Family Systems Theory, specifically the concept of differentiation. The attendees were given A2 size papers filled with quotes and notes from academic papers, which they discussed in detail.

The event was attended by both male and female members who were keen to explore and understand the topic at hand. The lively discussions were insightful and thought-provoking, with attendees sharing their personal experiences and insights about the theory.

The Ladies Lunch Event was a great opportunity for Mensa members to network and engage with like-minded individuals while also learning about an interesting topic. The event was not only intellectually stimulating but also a lot of fun, as participants were able to bond over shared interests and passions.

At the end of the lunch, the ladies were asked to share their experience of Mensa and suggest ways that the organization could better meet their needs. Many attendees expressed their desire for more light socials that cover topics on personal growth, similar to the one presented at the Ladies Lunch event. The event had been successful in bringing together individuals with similar interests and passions, and the attendees were eager for more opportunities to connect and engage with each other.

The Ladies Lunch Event at The Blue Crane was a great success, providing Mensa members with an opportunity to learn, network and have fun.


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