Speaker evenings remain the backbone of 
Mensa Pretoria's 
social interaction and as such are as diverse as our member's interests.
As always we value feedback and suggestions on topics and in general
 - we are a social club at the end of the day !

Please google our speakers should these snippets entice you, 
alternatively be in contact and we'll furnish you with more info  


20171004 - Mensa Pta Games Evening

Since we absolutely love playing games on (with) each other we jumped at the opportunity to squeeeeze one more Games Night in before the AGM. 
We only had time for one photo but evidence actually looked at the camera.....not even Bev...mmm conspiracy!!

20170906 - Falconry and Bird Abatement

Well I sure did not know that pigeons were evil!!!
But sure as chips they carry disease and with it a big risk to all. 
To reduce the number of pigeons and associated risk a natural predator is flown by super skilled humans like Nadine Van Der Merwe. 
I was very impressed by what I learned and urge you to investigate this artform! 

Nadine with the Hawk she flies, and flew in the hall.

Pretoria being Pretoria!

Bev expressing her gratitude as is our tradition

20170802 - They're Your Rules, Break Them!

Now THAT is something I can through my weight behind! 
How fitting that we were breaking rules of our own by moving the over to the more intimate dining area of PHSOB. 
We can now make use of their generous dinner-specials 
whilst listening to the wisdom of our speakers. 

Speaking of..
Douglas Kruger showed us exactly why he was inducted into the 
'Speakers Hall of Fame' 
in 2016
Surf over to you will not be sorry.

Douglas Kruger

Classic Venue Classic Filter


again with the loaded questions!

Thanks Super-Speaker!

20170705 - Open Mic - Conspiracy Theories

Lots of great discussion took place during the annual open-mic evening
 - fueled by paranoia, suspicion, curiosity or just plain alcohol...
the truth might never be known yet it is out there and we will keep searching...
Mandela effect, Flat Earth, Titanic.... 
we are coming for you! 

Kolver explaining the Mandela Effect

20170607 - More Secrets From Below: Rising Star Cave

Sworn to secrecy for nigh on 2 years the world's favourite caver and 
our friend Rick Hunter 
was finally released to give us the scoop on what was 
also found when 
Homo Naledi famously captured our imagination in September 2015

Great souvenirs!
Bev in Science-mode!

ooohhh secrets!!
Rick scaring us with claustrophobia ^^

Homo Naledi welcomed to Maropeng

20170510 - Games Evening 

Being jock's of note we normally 
play ice-hockey and dead-lift family cars when not cracking walnuts on our foreheads...
yet once a year we take time to dominate in 
Most lost, only some won but in the end 
Mensa Pretoria will never get bored of games!!

20170405 - The Colour Code

Why do you tend to dominate a conversation, 
why can crowds scare you, why do you always choose the wrong friends
well the last one not even our speaker can help you with 
but some very insightful conversation and even a short self assessment was enjoyed when we learned about our colour code!

Eager to learn about ourselves!!

Alan Harvey with Bev

20170301 - Self Defence !!

Now more than ever we need to listen to our six-sense, 
intuition or that chill down your back, 
lest we experience something unspeakable at the hand of a perpetrator
These words define the training program
 WIP and GRIP by Mark Grobbelaar 
a gentleman so proficient in self defense that it has become his primary nature - 
yet his advise remains to always try to walk away and 
swallow your pride.

Bev presenting with Mark with a small gift 

Eager to learn

Kallie, Ilze and Jaco enjoying the speaker evening.

20170201 - Online Marketing  

Zero Moment of Truth, Keith Kirsten, limits exist only in the mind - 
these are some of the points raised by an intrepid entrepreneur in his quest to leverage technology to bring info to the people and naturally profit to his company. 
Head over to and see what it is all about!  

Shaun with Kyle of

Jaco and Bev - because picture
That moment! - not of zero truth, no.!