Mensa Pretoria AGM 2023: A Night of Celebration, Camaraderie, and Success


The first Wednesday of July 2023 marked a significant event for the Pretoria Chapter of Mensa as they hosted their Annual General Meeting (AGM). Led by the dynamic duo of Karen Nel, the new Special Events Coordinator, and Grant, the talented musician from The News, the evening proved to be a resounding success. From the delightful Sherry and Soup setup to the engaging speeches and lively interactions, the AGM showcased the true essence of Mensa's intellectual community. In this blog post, we recount the highlights of the event and celebrate the bonds formed among members.

Karen Nel's Initiative Sets the Stage:

With her fresh perspective and enthusiasm, Karen Nel, in her role as Special Events Coordinator, took the initiative to organize a memorable AGM for the Pretoria Chapter. She curated a Sherry and Soup evening, featuring tables laid out in an elegant herringbone pattern, adorned with black tablecloths and  beautiful lighting, and adorned with the essentials for enjoying soup and bread rolls. This thoughtful arrangement included Mensa-themed coasters, made by Marina, also a committee member, all of which created an inviting atmosphere for members to connect and engage.

Grant and The News: Musical Magic:

Adding a touch of enchantment to the evening, Grant and his band, The News, serenaded the attendees with their mesmerizing music. As the speeches took breaks, the band's soulful melodies filled the air, fostering a warm and lively ambiance. The rhythmic beats and soothing tunes contributed to the sense of celebration and camaraderie that permeated throughout the event.

Portfolio Presentations and Notable Insights:

During the AGM, each committee member had the opportunity to present their portfolios, sharing their achievements, goals, and plans for the future. These presentations highlighted the dedication and commitment of the Mensa Pretoria team in serving its members and promoting intellectual growth.

Among the noteworthy moments of the evening, the statistical data presented shed light on an interesting observation. Contrary to any perceived gender differences, the pass rates in the Eligibility Test were quite similar between men and women. The numbers revealed that both genders displayed comparable levels of success, failure, near misses, and uncertainties. This finding underscores the fact that intelligence knows no gender boundaries, reinforcing the inclusive and egalitarian spirit of Mensa.

A Night of Friendship and Bonding:

Beyond the speeches and statistical insights, the true essence of the AGM emerged through the genuine connections and camaraderie among the attendees. The dimmed lights, delicious soup, and rolls served as catalysts for lively conversations and the forging of new friendships. As the evening progressed, the event transformed into an enchanting party that lasted until midnight, allowing members to revel in the joy of intellectual engagement and shared interests. 

The Success of the Mensa Community:

The success of the Mensa AGM extended far beyond the formal proceedings of the event. It embodied the spirit of Mensa, emphasizing the value of intellectual exploration, inclusivity, and the forging of meaningful connections. The conversations stimulated by Pieter van der Vyver on Computational Neuroscience serves as an excellent example of this. The AGM not only provided a platform for members to celebrate their accomplishments but also reinforced the sense of belonging and community that lies at the core of Mensa's ethos. This was further reiterated by the connections formed between the children of Mensa members who attended the event. 


The Mensa Pretoria AGM 2023 was a resounding success, thanks to the vision and dedication of Karen Nel, Grant and The News, and the entire committee. The evening of Sherry and Soup, accompanied by delightful music and engaging speeches, midst an awesomely decorated setting, fostered an atmosphere of celebration, camaraderie, and intellectual stimulation. The statistics showcased the equal achievements of both men and women in the Eligibility Test, further emphasizing the inclusive nature of Mensa. This memorable event reinforced the bonds between members and underscored the unwavering commitment to intellectual growth and friendship within the Mensa community.


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