Mensans! What a wonderful year kick-off event we had at the Smuts-Huis museum on the 26th of January. This year we chose a venue which we hoped our members would find central as well as child-friendly, and looking at the turnout, we certainly believe this paid off. We had about 75 members and partners confirmed to attend and it certainly was a full house when we got the presentation.

We had a presenter from the South African Defence Force who has made it his life's work to uncover every but of information available that tells the story of the late Jan Christiaan Smuts. We were regaled with war-stories and political insight from the time during which Smuts was a Prime Minister, military officer and scholar. Unfortunately we are not able to share the presentation we were shown as the presenter has been approached by a documentary channel to discuss the possibility of turning his work into a filmed series. All the more reason why you should join us when possible! You never know what you will be exposed to.

Everyone had a wonderful time and we certainly set the tone for an involved 2014 yet to come. We would like to thank everyone who helped to make this day possible, to all the committee members, the Smuts-family for allowing us to host the function and to everyone who attended. Thank you all for helping us to launch 2014 in the spirit of renewed friendship.

Please feel free to view the slideshow below - a free Mensa cooler bag to the one who spots Waldo first.

Mensa Pretoria 2014 Kick-Off


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