Solid Waste in South Africa – what is your role?

South Africa generated an estimated 108 million tonnes of solid waste in 2011, of which
only 10% was recycled.Every year, we throw away an estimated R17 billion worth of
resources as waste, which could have been fed back into the South African
manufacturing economy.
How are we, as consumers, part of this problem? 
How do we maximise the opportunities that waste presents as a secondary resource as we move towards the vision of a Circular Economy?
 And what are some of the key challenges facing the growth of a local secondary resources economy?

Prof Linda Godfrey

Prof Linda Godfrey is a Principal Scientist with the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and an Associate Professor at Northwest University, and holds a PhD in Engineering from the University of KwaZulu­Natal. She currently heads up the Waste Research Development and Innovation (RDI) Roadmap Implementation Unit on behalf of the Department of Science and Technology.The Unit is tasked with implementing South Africa’s 10­year Waste RDI Roadmap.Her research interests include the role of the waste sector in transitioning South Africa to a green economy; waste innovation;waste economics; the governance, social and behavioural aspects of integrated waste management; and the role of waste information as policy and behaviour ­change instrument.

Prof Godfrey has provided strategic input to a number of waste and green economy initiatives for the European Union, Departments of Science and Technology and Environmental Affairs; Development Bank of South Africa; Academy of Sciences of South Africa; Institute of Waste Management and several universities. She has been invited to speak at numerous local and international scientific conferences, technical expert panels and meetings.She has published extensively in the field of solid waste management and provides review to both local and international peer reviewed scientific publications.

Beverley thanking Prof.Linda

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