September -  and we are back at Ed's Diner rocking the mezzanine level with some refreshments, the legendary burgers and naturally lots of wisdom, not least of which is the telling of the tale of pain and how to break your hand on a baby water slide - spot the cast!. 

The Party Crew

Fixed! in just a 100 minutes.

The MPHOF is an informal recognition of Mensans or friends of Mensans who achieved a notable feat. 

Meet Danikathe newest young member of  Mensa Pretoria. 
At only 7 years old she will benefit greatly from experiencing that environments exist where creativity, random thoughts and tons of questions are not only welcome, but encouraged!

Danika with one of her passions

Our first entry is a fullhouse-pass achieved. On 23 July all 5 (4 shown) hopeful's passed the Mensa Pretoria membership eligibility test - well done!!




Saddle up your horses partners we are riding into the Dinokeng sunset. 
Prepare yourself for a weekend of bush adventure. 
New friends made, folks from all different counties unite for a hoedown of note! 
Your favourite Stetson or Ten-Gallon Hat absolutely compulsory. 
Jam-packed non-stop jamboree!

Venue Info

Book immediately to avoid disappointment !