After a jam-packed testing session on Saturday the 25th of Jan, the Mensa Pretoria welcoming committee found itself outnumbered by those who managed to score high enough to be invited into Mensa.

This month we held our welcoming event at Ed's Diner again, and we were very glad to see many new faces. Not only from those who were present on Saturday's testing date, but also a new face from Mensa Canada! Everyone had a really good time and a lot of new friendships were formed.

It's great to see our numbers continue to swell and we look forward to all the new faces joining us at next week's Speaker evening too.

To all of our Pretoria Mensans, I hope we will see you all at the 2014 Year Kick-Off function that's about to start later this morning. 

To all our other friends, here's something you can start with today: the committee has decided to open up this year's PTA Mensa t-shirt designs to our members. If you have a pun-intended, tongue-in-cheek, innuendo-laden snarky comment that will have the other 98% stuck in a permanent double-take, please do forward them to the email address at the end of this post.

Last year we featured 2x shirts with slogans reading: "the other 98% can be wrong" and the timeless yet classy "I'm with stupid (graphic of arrows pointing everywhere but up".

Winners will win a complementary set of PTA Mensa awesomeness in the form of a merchandise set. 1x t-shirt, 1x beanie and 1x cooler bag, all branded (of course), is up for grabs for the sharpest display of literary wit.

Let the games begin...

You can send ideas to our Marketing-Guru, Schalkwyk van der Merwe at

*note that other merchandise options will become available at the end of March, however you are still able to buy some old merchandise at every speaker evening (1st Wednesday of every month) or other Mensa PTA events.