What a year, what a night, what a year-end bash !!

Ready to AGM!

No need to elaborate on the surreal year we were fortunate enough to survive. Our thoughts and condolences are with each and every Mensan and friend of Mensa touched by the circumstances experienced in 2020.

Our NAG 2020 was rebranded NAG 2021 and we are as fired up as ever to welcome you to our neck of the woods early August 2021 !! Look at our teaser video !

Mr. Tim Knights

As the world reinvents itself Mensa Pretoria had a few historic moments too - our first dual medium AGM took place on 2 December. 

As is tradition Tim Knights, founding member of Mensa Pretoria facilitated the election process albeit remotely via Zoom. 

His charm, professionalism and wit undiluted: a very smooth and quick election process concluded with each 2020 committee member being re-elected. 

Grant me a moment to introduce the:

 2021 Mensa Pretoria Committee:

2021 !!

Chairperson: Kolver 

(Not a noun - his name!) a realistic man of strong conviction, respectful in debate and always ready for a social! Kolver busies himself as a urban farmer, prefers another helping of main course to dessert and would like to play the violin to "win the golden fiddle against the devil"! 

Treasurer: Peter 

A pragmatic Mensan, sensible in his conduct and consideration with room for opinions not his own, and more sociable than even he thinks he is! By day Peter is a GIS Systems Analyst opting for lemon meringue desert and wish to master the tomato...wait.. sorry the otamatone

Secretary: Jean

Right up there for title of most comments ever for a Mensan on social media, Jean is well versed in a myriad of topics, has heard of far to many obscure - and reputable - humans both dead and alive. Jean is an Architect, they mos trump engineers!? (Runs and hides) When not debating Jean enjoys crème brûlée with aspirations to play trompie.... on his harmonica.     

Membership Officer: Matthys 

Serious about life and seriously motivated, Matthys is a Software Engineer and carries a wise head on his younger shoulders, likes chocolate mousse for dessert but his preferred instrument being a church organ I again start doubting his real age...maybe he is 70 but found the fountain of youth?   

Testing Officer: Pierre 

A Minister by day Pierre is the proverbial swiss army knife of life with such an amazing wealth of experience and real world knowledge. Humble and resolute, the only time the word trifle is used in connection with Pierre it is to describe his favourite dessert ! Interestingly Pierre would like to play the keyboard - Pierre the name of French origin, as is Jean-Michel Jarre...coincidence...? 

SIG Co-ordinator: Luette 

The name that instantly stuck in my head, we make weird connotations as Mensans and the Alouette (helicopter) proves my point, as does the fact that special interest groups can be weird to say the least. Luette is an entrepreneur who loves malva pudding en would love to play the slightly larger violin, the viola - possibly to help Kolver in his quest?

Events: Duan 

Is larger than life, not only because he is extremely tall, he managed to reinvent himself and now as a Pilot Instructor he refers to his day job as playing not working - wow! Most of us can't figure out what we want to do least of all how to do it! Crème brûlée is his dessert of choice and the electric guitar his next challenge.  

Public Relations and Marketing: Martie 

A lady of many talents, straight shooter without a lazy bone in her body. Her profession as Marketing Manager ties in perfectly with her committee role and it shows. No sweet tooth in her jaw she would like to play the cello.

Newsletter / Blog: Jaco

Proud husband, father and son, here to contribute to Mensa Pretoria. By day I work on legacy IT systems and prefer oysters to any other dessert. I dream of playing the guitar much better and the piano at all.

Chairmans Unite!

We had the distinct privilege to give back to the PHSOB club for hosting our monthly speaker evenings since forever. We donated wooden benches and was able to commemorate the donation by meeting the Chairman of PHSOB and afixing the first brass plaque.

Tim Allen?

A year-end would not be a year-end without a proper social in the Mensa Pretoria tradition. We charged our glasses, drank a toast to the well-being of Mensa and Mensans world-wide and had our fill on scrumptious platters and wine, to ready us for the Quiz!!

The Quiz Master's skill was second to none. We thoroughly enjoyed his humour and the variety of well researched questions! 

We had to rush to be home before curfew - happy and content after a splendid evening.

May I on behalf of Mensa Pretoria wish you all a Blessed Festive Season and safe travels. 

See you in 2021 !!      

To Mensa !


"L"ast Place 

Smoove Mooves!



Wat maak Oom Kallie daar?

To infinity and beyond!