Cockpit Psychology

Advances in technology requires society to adapt to changes beyond the increased pace and efficiency, to increased safety and social accountability. 

To that end the pilot takes responsibility for human life both on board and on terra firma, while trying to protect his/her own livelihood by not being unnecessarily grounded. 

To assist in managing this process the aviation bodies of the world rely ever heavier on the psychologist. Johan Erasmus is such a psychologist, and commercial pilot advancing the quest in South Africa.

Johan Erasmus of

About Johan Erasmus

Johan is a registered Clinical Psychologist in private practice. He has a keen interest in Medical psychology and consults in various hospitals apart from his practice in Lynnwood Manor. He also has a keen interest in Aviation Psychology and sits on a National Advisory Panel on complex medical matters for the Director of Civil Aviation. He holds a Commercial Pilots Licence and Flight Instructors rating. During the time in private practice, he participated in various national, international workshops and conferences. He also co-­published various articles in popular magazines and also appear as a regular guest in a medical journal program on a community radio station, covering topics relating to psychology. 

Johan has a specific interest in the field of Aviation Psychology and Medical Psychology and apart from sessions done at the rooms in Lynnwood Manor, conduct hospital visits on request from medical specialists and personnel, or patients themselves. His keen interest in Aviation Psychology also stems from the fact that he is the holder of a Commercial Pilots Licence and Flight Instructors Rating. He is a member of the Civil Aviation Authority`s (CAA) Aviation Medical Committee where the purpose is to advise the Director of the CAA regarding complex medical problems that may place limitations on licence holders. 

He is part of the Pretoria Head and Neck Forum specialist group, associate member of the European Association for Aviation Psychology and a lifelong Honorary Rotary Foundation member.