Our Pretoria SiG coordinator will soon be sending out this notice to our membership. You are welcome to engage via the detail on this post as well.
Dear Members,
Please indicate if you are interested in any of the underneath ideas for SIG’s (Special Interest Group).
There are three options.
1.       Member – if you are interested but do not have the time to contact other SIG members and a venue.
2.       Organizer – depending of the size of the SIG, this position will also be the Chair. To organize SIG members and Venue.
3.       Chair - depending of the size of the SIG, this position will also be the Chair. To run the meeting (if needed) and keep SIG members within the rules of Mensa.
Please feel free to include any SIG’s you think might also be viable in the blank space under “Charity SIG” and I will update in the next newsletter.
Hiking and mountain climbing
When fishing becomes an art form
Formal SIG where the best ideas will be made a reality
different events, lots fun
Computer Gaming and Freeware exchange
Wine tasting
For the refined alcoholic with an intellectual problem
Anything goes - not for the easily offended
Board games
From Zombies to Risk, Chess to Coinage
Public speaking
Based on the toastmasters club
Vampire SIG
Play the victim! Donate your blood to the blood bank
007 SIG
Build up to the new 007 movie
Charity SIG
Use your time to help those in need
Best regards
Kolver Kruger 

Nokia Ops Co - Southern Africa+27 79 490 6219
Please note that I will be on leave from the 12th of December 2014 until the 7th of January 2015
LONDON, September 5, 2014 /PRNewswire/ --
Sanity and reason are still best weapons against cyberthreats but people act against them too often 
Kaspersky Lab and Mensa are inviting Internet users to a very special challenge over the summer. The Global Think Testis made up of a series of online brain games meant to challenge the combination and calculation skills of participants. On the 'Global Think Test Day' on September 6, 2014, a global competition will be held, with the chance for those demonstrating the best combination skills to win US $25,000. The organisations are trying to make people aware of the fact that sanity and reason are still the best weapons against many cyberthreats, psychologists say that as humans, our behaviour is often geared towards being social and shaped by limited cognitive resources. So we need to train our alertness.
Playing games is in our DNA - but it's also an Internet phenomenon. According to a recent Kaspersky Lab survey, 29 per cent of Internet users worldwide play online games. We love it because it changes our perspective. Prof. Frank Schwab, media psychologist at University of Wuerzburg comments: "Being in some sort of 'gaming mode' means triple impact: cognitive and emotional processes are affected, leading to behavioural effects. Gaming may elicit strong emotions that may influence cognitions and finally behaviours within and even beyond the game." So playing can help us train for unusual situations.
Still our brains are not used to interaction with digital devices, which makes it easy for criminals to create situations in which we might make wrong decisions. As social beings we are led by basic principles: trust, authority, diffusion, helpfulness, curiosity and reciprocation, all of which can be misused by criminals. Threats are evolving and it becomes more and more difficult even for experienced users to quickly decide if a website is fake or real. So we have to train our alertness - to be able to quickly decide if a situation is dangerous or not.
Psychologists would say there are two general aspects that make us fall prey to cybercriminals when they use social engineering strategies. Besides the 'issues' of social beings, the limitation of our cognitive resources plays an important role. "We are not godlike creatures. Thus, we are not able to discern and evaluate every detailed piece of information in a complex situation. If the amount of information we have to process simultaneously is too high, the possibility of making mistakes and performing worse increases", says Schwab. "We are simply not able to consider all the information given and to reflect about all the possible outcomes, especially under time pressure. And no one lives forever. As a result, we have to tend to mental shortcuts."
Focus and alertness need to be trained
We need to train our brains to quickly take the right decisions. The Global Think Test was designed to give participants challenges which require decision making under time pressure.
"The brain games which were developed together with Mensa are designed to make us aware of the fact that we are often not paying enough attention to detail," says Alexander Erofeev, Chief Marketing Officer, Kaspersky Lab. "In today's online world it is getting more and more important to develop a kind of digital risk literacy. Part of this is to be alert and recognise threats when we encounter them. Training this in a playful way is one of the aims of this Global Think Test Challenge, because developing these skills is as important for staying safe as installing security software."
The Global Think Test 
Kaspersky Lab teamed up with Mensa to develop a series of challenging combinatory online games and riddles. Partners like Scuderia Ferrari and cricket-legend Sachin Tendulkar are running special contests in which you can win a signed pair of racing gloves from Fernando Alonso and Kimi Räikkönen or a signed Sachin cricket bat.
The Global Think Test website is packed with all sorts of brain-training games, puzzles and IQ tests to help participants flex their mental muscles. And it also gives everyone the chance to register for the competition - Global Think Test Day - and win the main prize.
September 6, 2014 is Global Think Test Day, when a worldwide online challenge invites all participants to put their brainpower to the ultimate test and go head-to-head with some of the best brains in the world. The winner of this challenge - whoever gets the highest score in the quickest time - will become the Kaspersky Global Think Test Champion and win the grand prize worth US $25,000 in cash. The name of the winner will be announced on September 9, 2014.
All Global Think Test content is in English, but the competition is open to participants from all over the world.
You can find more information about the Global Think Test on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and share your best moments with the hashtag #GTT.
To register for the Global Think Test Day visit the website -
About Kaspersky Lab 
Kaspersky Lab is the world's largest privately held vendor of endpoint protection solutions. The company is ranked among the world's top four vendors of security solutions for endpoint users*. Throughout its more than 17-year history Kaspersky Lab has remained an innovator in IT security and provides effective digital security solutions for large enterprises, SMBs and consumers. Kaspersky Lab, with its holding company registered in the United Kingdom, currently operates in almost 200 countries and territories across the globe, providing protection for over 300 million users worldwide. Learn more at
* The company was rated fourth in the IDC rating Worldwide Endpoint Security Revenue by Vendor, 2012. The rating was published in the IDC report "Worldwide Endpoint Security 2013-2017 Forecast and 2012 Vendor Shares (IDC #242618, August 2013). The report ranked ftware vendors according to earnings from sales of endpoint security solutions in 2012. 

Please take note that our Annual General Meeting has been set down, the details of which are as follows:

Event Title:  Annual General Meeting 2014

Date/Time: Wednesday, 8 October 2014 at 19:00 for 19:30

Venue: Pretoria Boys High School Old Boys Club, 378 Queens Crescent (c/o Queens Crescent and Kings Highway), Lynnwood, Pretoria, South Africa (see bottom of the email for a map to the venue)
The once very popular hiking SiG is making a comeback. We've found a nature reserve in the Magaliesburg region that will afford us the opportunity to go on a wonderful hike with skilled guides. The reserve offers both easy and challenging hikes to suit your experience. We are looking to schedule the first hike in October. If you are interested in joining us, please email so that we can get an idea of the size of interest.
Come on. You know you want you, especially if winter included an insulation phase where you told yourself eating this wonderful ciabatta with another bowl of soup was to protect you from the savage cold outside of your otherwise first world Domicilium citandi et executandi.